Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Good Things


Be like lord Ram.

Every second is Governed by god, so Always try be good to all people and never hurt anyone.

Always calm and with smile. 

Be enthusiastic and with "Can do it" attitude. 

Dealing with some Kaliyug people:

They will talk bad about you behind you or in front of you to provoke you.

They will show ego and attitude that they are superior or showoff that they are rich and right, some even act as victim to gain sympathy and popularity.

Women may leave their men after marriage.

Some will be blaming you for their mistake.

They will always say why do you look like this.

Remember in these situation: 

There is nothing good to prove to these people, Even if you are right.

Just leave everything to god and focus on present.

Leave the thought of proving yourself or recall the hurt they gave you - Its waste of time.

Just try to improve yourself.

Just smile or nod your head for unwanted or hate comments and leave the place, Just don't get short tempered.

Focus and remind on your duty (Everyday effort counts.) and leave everything to God.

Song Lyrics link.

When you feel the world is hurting you : Manavyalakim

When your mood is dull : Sing Telisi Rama reading the meaning.


The more you think about not to think, The more it will be in mind. Keep Mind like a child, busy with work and untouched from bad things. Remove unwanted thoughts with practice and detachment.

Repeat " Om namah Shivaya", Life will always be awesome.


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